Sign the guestbook


13 December, 2018

b bob baraccas

Racas land

Even the queen uses timber nutmeg

18 June, 2018


Your Mutha's House

Hows the Speed Garage going?

I haven't played any yet.

5 May, 2016


Rundle Mall

Have you ever tried American style pancakes?
I don't care.

28 June, 2015

Anus McFart Knuckle


Fart in a bottle, in a bottle, in a bottle.
Fart in a bottle today.

2 March, 2015


Packet of chips

Did I get it? Did I get it? Did I get my free Coke?

16 February, 2015

Mgirk Yohanssen

The toilet store

Come on in, broonk it up, I love the smell of broccolis!
What the hell is broccoli anyway, shutup with the broccoli.

11 September, 2014

Turbulent Murbulent Ninja Turtle

The sewers

Heroes in a half shell, turtle power!

15 March, 2014


The street

I met a guy called Edmund on the street today.
He just kept saying OOF POOY.
So I yelled YOGHURT FLAME at him until he combusted.
True story.

15 March, 2014

Internet censor

The internet

Man, this site used to be all about the music.
The internet censors have destroyed the place.
All I want to do is a bombers and read a foolery.
Nonsense feast. Nonsense.

8 August, 2013

Bobby Buck Pasqueeel

Harris Scarfs

Wow, the new Timber Nutmeg site is fantastic. It's the new

5 May, 2013

William Wobbler

A secret cave

Hey everyone. What's happening here?

19 September, 2011

Bobby Buck Pasqueel

At the Sofa shop 243 Glen Osmond Road

Pick up a bargain at Porakka Dominos Pizza with the 2 for one Fratz Special - one time only with 2 games, shoe hire, hot dog, fries and a coke.

19 September, 2011

Bobby Buck Pasqueeel


Please provide links to boarding house captaincy training materials indeed.

You know why ? Because dangerious dave hansen says so thats why.

23 December, 2010

Mr John


I am Mister John.
I'm here to talk to you about pelicans.
I would also like the latest training materials for boarding house management.
I would like to overthrow the current leader and need the most up to date tactics and reginalds to do so.
I fink she sent me to a wifdrawal room.
Oh no.


11 October, 2010


Please provide links to boarding house captaincy training materials.

Is there anybody out there?

Hello. I want an iPhone 4.

19 September, 2010

The Black Bomber

Yes, I am the black bomber.
I am jipped in the corner.
Thats right.
All of these excavations and nothing.
Maybe I'll boot the stool.

26 July, 2010

William Wobbler

Hello again, it's the Wobbler.
I can never be defeated.

14 July, 2010

Bobby Buck Pasqueel.

Pizza Hut - all you can eat !

What is it to let the timber nutmeg flow ?

6 April, 2010

Bobby buck pasquale

My yia yias kitchen

Remember to respect, dont neglect.

And eat Dolmathes every day - its good for your health

6 April, 2010

Shamala Hamana-Hamana


yo yo yo, this site is off the hizook. much love from the pizza oven.

3 April, 2010


On your anus

Ho, I am Jimmy arbil. I love the nutmeg. Also, timber nutmeg ass blaster! Oh Shut!

Cya, captain lemoni.


28 March, 2010

Bobby buck pasquale

This guest book is THE BEST

28 March, 2010

William Wobbler

A strange land far away

Greetings to all from the Wobbler